#EuroVelo6. The beauties of Dolj will be admired from the bicycle

#EuroVelo6. The beauties of Dolj will be admired from the bicycle

Dolj County Council continues the investments in tourism! The county authority, which is also the leader of a partnership that also includes similar institutions from Mehedinți and Olt counties, as well as 40 localities from the 3 counties, obtained non-refundable funding for a project with a total value of 35 million euros (including VAT) which aims to develop a section of almost 360 kilometers of the EuroVelo 6 cycling route of European rank. 

Thus, lovers of cycling and natural landscapes will be able to combine the two passions, on a route that, in Dolj county alone, will have more than 170 kilometers. 

"We are starting a new investment that responds to the priorities established by the Tourism Strategy of Dolj County, recently developed. Through this project, we will ensure the development of a cycling route that starts from Drobeta-Turnu Severin and reaches the border between Olt and Teleorman, running along the Danube, for a total length of 356 kilometers, of which 176 in our county", as stated by the president of the Dolj County Council, Cosmin Vasile. 

The investment means both the creation of a safe corridor for cyclists, on a route that avoids congested roads and that highlights the spectacular setting of the Danube Meadow, as well as the provision of a route on which tourists and not only will be able to find numerous attractive objectives from all the counties involved in the project. Among these, we mention the "Marincu" Palace in Calafat and the Cetate Cultural Port, reserves and protected areas of community interest such as the Zăval Forest, Bistreț Lake or the Jiu - Danube Confluence, but also the Severin Medieval Citadel or the Sucidava Romano-Byzantine Citadel. 

"The importance of our project is also given by the fact that it approaches, in order to develop, a section of the European route EuroVelo 6 Atlantic - Black Sea. In this way, we contribute to honoring a commitment of Romania in the field of cycling tourism and, at the same time, we use the consistent marketing advantage that this route has enjoyed, for over two decades, at an international level", explained the president of the Dolj County Council, Cosmin Vasile. 

The mentioned project is part of the PNRR, and the itinerary provides access to 5 objectives selected for financing through the "Promotion of 12 tourist/ cultural routes" investment from the PNRR, as well as to 6 border crossing points. In Dolj county, the proposed route crosses no less than 19 localities and we are sure that it will be appreciated by all lovers of outdoor exercise. 

We also invite you to access the bicycle routes available on the Discover Dolj website and, as soon as the weather improves, set off on a trip on two wheels to discover the beauties of the county! 
Trasee bicicletă

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