#UniqueInTheWorld. The Romanian Book and Exile Museum opens its doors in a few days

#UniqueInTheWorld. The Romanian Book and Exile Museum opens its doors in a few days

The Romanian Book and Exile Museum, a unique project in the country and in the world, conceived and put into practice by the Dolj County Council, together with the "Alexandru and Aristia Aman" County Library, will be open to visitors in the coming days. 

This moment takes place after many years in which the "Tache Dianu" House, a landmark historical monument for Craiova, was restored and equipped with modern technology, to become an interactive cultural institution, current, but still connected to the past.
Muzeul Cărții și Exilului Românesc - facebook

The connection to the past comes precisely from the name of the new museum institution, considering the collections that the "Alexandru și Aristia Aman" County Library managed to gather from great Romanian artists who created in exile. From the long list of book fund donors, manuscripts and other objects, we list the academician Dinu C. Giurescu, the historian Dan Berindei, the academician Basarab Nicolescu, the writers Mircea Eliade, Leonid Mămăligă, Vintilă Horia, the directors Andrei Șerban and Paul Barbăneagră or the spouses Ileana and Romulus Vulpescu.

The initiative is all the more important since the Romanian artists who created in exile never had a place of their own, where their cultural heritage and collections could be brought together. Here, now, they will have an incomparable space, where their work is recognized and where they will receive the gratitude they deserve from their country. 

Beyond the importance of the museum itself, given by the collections held and the precious information that will remain as a cultural heritage, we cannot overlook the importance of reintroducing the "Dianu House" into the tourist circuit, a monument dating from the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. Recognized in the Craiova architectural landscape as a representative building, it has regained the personality of the time it comes from and is ready to reveal itself to everyone.

This is how, combining the importance of the owned collections and that of the architectural heritage, a dream comes true in Craiova, proof that, if there is work and interest, we can manage to restore, little by little, what time seemed to have left to perish.

We will be back on Discover Dolj with details about the program and access!

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