Fantasy Park brought magic for all ages to Craiova

Fantasy Park brought magic for all ages to Craiova

The municipality of Craiova can be proud of a sensational new park, designed by the City Hall of Craiova following an ambitious program to revitalize urban spaces and transform some of them into veritable green oases.

Thus, from June 1st, the people of Craiova and all those who visit us can enjoy Fantasy Park, a superb, thematic location, which managed to be drastically transformed, compared to how it looked a few years ago. The park has three areas for the three categories of public, one for adults, one for teenagers and one for children, who will be – we think – the happiest with the props and all the details that have been set up on site. This does not mean that even the older residents of Craiova and tourists will not be impressed! After all, we are all children, somewhere in our souls.

The park has playgrounds, a stage for performances, a space for fitness, original urban furniture, which takes the form of characters from the story, but also a beautifully landscaped green area. The terraces are also an attraction for visitors, and another joy for teenagers is a skate park, designed in the shape of a giant's head. Fantasy Park is not only a spectacular place during the day, but also in the evening, being illuminated like in the stories and thus becoming an ideal place for promenade.

Thus, the place of a degraded area in the municipality, which not long ago was unfrequented, but especially to be considered a recreation area, was taken by this new park, which joins the suite of parks and gardens of Craiova: The "Nicolae Romanescu" Park, The Botanical Garden, The "Youth" Park, The Pedagogical Park and many other smaller areas, such as Pushkin Park, "Mihai Bravu" Garden or English Park, also extremely important for urban regeneration and for the comfort of citizens who now have more and more places to enjoy nature, in the heart of the city.

We invite you to visit the new green oasis and discover its surprises! Craiova is magical!

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