Archaeological site of Cioiroiu Nou
Archaeological site
Type: settlement
The settlement is located on the south east edge of the village, south of the road that leads to Siliştea Crucii and west of the road that leads to Boureni, south west and close to the village cemetery, in a loop made by the Cioroiului brook to the west. It is located at a distance of 906 m from the Cioroiu Nou Church.
Discoveries made at the archaeological site:
- open settlement from the Roman Age (2nd-3rd century AD)
Research has shown that the defense system of the settlement of Cioroiu is complex. It consists of two V-shaped ditches, the widest being placed inward.
As a result of the lack of clear clues, it has long been thought that the fortification of Cioroiul Nou would have been made by the civilian population of the settlement to serve them as shelter in case of danger. But older and newer epigraphic findings suggest that the fortification could have been raised by the Roman Claudia Legion VII from the Superior Moesia province. It is also possible that some of the soldiers of the Legion IV Flavia were present at some time at Cioroiul Nou.
It is the largest civil settlement with no urban status in Lower Dacia.
- settlement from the Migration Age (IVth - VIIth centuries):
- settlement from the Middle Age - the modern age (XIII-XVIII centuries)